Don’t Delay On Flat Roofing Replacement
Don’t Delay On Flat Roofing Replacement
It is unavoidable that flat roofing gets exposed to the worst of the winter weather, and therefore, of all your external features of the home, it is perhaps the one that deteriorates faster and maybe needs replacing sooner. You may inspect it on occasions and think that it will be okay for another year, but delaying the replacement of your flat roofing could be an expensive mistake.
There is no hiding place from bad weather, particularly where a damaged or leaking roof is concerned. Water will always find a way through, whilst wind damage can make the problem worse. And don’t be fooled by the winter months passing and spring being on the way, there is no escape from the damaging possibility of rain in the UK, at any time of year.
So if your flat roofing is showing signs of damage or deterioration, you should look into getting it replaced now, because it is not just the condition of the flat roofing that you need to worry about, there is also the integrity of the building and the contents of the building.
Inspect your flat roof regularly
Extreme weather can get into the framework of a building and cause irreparable damage, sometimes over time and without you immediately noticing. In many cases this is even worse, as the damage slowly takes hold and is irreversible, whereas more immediate damage can be seen and dealt with quickly.
A flat roof building construction is sometimes timber framed and often not a substantial building, therefore, damage to the framework can affect the structure of the building itself, not just its roof. Furthermore, the building may have valuable contents such as important storage items, garden furniture or equipment, bicycles, a car, or in extreme cases, office and IT equipment if you are using it as an office. If the flat roof is above an extension the space below could be any room in the house, and therefore damage could be to indoor furniture, carpets or utilities such as washing machines, dryers or freezers. The same applies if the flat roof is on a dormer extension.
It is important that you inspect flat roofing periodically over the worst of the winter months and act upon any problems you find, whether this is a definite leak or just the build-up of damp, either can be very costly in terms of damage to the building and contents. A complete flat roofing replacement may seem excessive, but it acts to secure the roof condition and the building below it for the long term.
Flat roofing solutions from Northern Roofline
Flat roofing solutions from Northern Roofline are long-lasting, robust and durable. We use Sarnafil, a single-ply PVC membrane with a life expectancy of around 40 years. This means that an investment in flat roofing with Northern Roofline is cost-effective because you are only likely to have to undertake this once during the period of you living in that property.
If you have any doubts about the condition of your flat roofing, contact Northern Roofline with a call (0800 917 6162) and we can inspect your building for potential signs of damage. Our extensive experience across the Yorkshire region has enabled us to have insight into every possible sign of damage or deterioration with flat roofing, so we can very quickly advise where action is required. And of course we can design for you a cost-effective, practical and reliable flat roofing solution.